since 2002
No. 81 (2022)
Research Articles
An application of LSTM neural networks to improve the efficiency of monitoring and warning the health status of office workers 374 views
Nguyen Chi Ngon 1 * , Pham Thanh Tung 2 , Le Thanh Phuong 3 , Nguyen Thi Kim Nguyen 4
1 Can Tho University
2 Vinh Long University of Tenology Education
3 Long An College
4 Can Tho Univeristy
* Corresponding Author3-13 -
Studying the effect of electrodes on the electrical impedance measurement of meat 337 views
Dang Thanh Trung 1 , Nguyen Phan Kien 1 * , Chu Duc Hoang 2 , Nguyen Thanh Trung 3
1 Hanoi University of Science and Technology
2 VNU University of Engineering and Technology
3 Dept. of Medical Equipment, 108 Military Central Hospital
* Corresponding Author21-30 -
Expectation maximization channel estimation for nonlinear OFDM systems 245 views
Nguyen Thanh 1 * , Mai Thanh Hai 1 , Nguyen Huu Tho 1 , Nguyen Thi Thao 2 , Nguyen Tat Nam 3
1 Le Quy Don Technical University
2 Academy of Military Science and Technology
3 Department for Standard, Metrology & Quality
* Corresponding Author31-43 -
A highly linear wide bandwidth down-conversion mixer for direct-conversion receivers in CMOS 346 views
Nguyen Thi Thao *
Institute of Electronics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
* Corresponding Author44-52 -
Improving the performance of underwater acoustic signal recognition using modified residual convolutional neural network 312 views
Doan Van Sang 1 , Vi Cong Doan 1 , Tran Phu Ninh 1 , Nguyen Van Tien 2 , Tran Cong Trang 1 *
1 Vietnam Naval Academy
2 Institute of System Integration, Military Technical Academy
* Corresponding Author53-59 -
Early stopping criteria for improved belief propagation 209 views
Nguyen Anh Hao 1 * , Nguyen Van Phe 1 , Pham Xuan Nghia 2
1 Center of High-tech Information Technology
2 Military Technical Academy
* Corresponding Author60-68 -
Assessment research on optimizing the effectiveness of magnetic stealth for prolate spheroidal hulls with uniaxial degaussing coils 301 views
Trinh Dinh Cuong 1 , Vu Le Ha 1 , Phung Anh Tuan 2 *
1 Institute of Electronics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
2 School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
* Corresponding Author69-78 -
Synthesis of 2-aminobenzothiazole hybrids containing 2-aminobenzamide group via amide bridge 224 views
Dinh Thi Cuc 1 * , Nguyen Thi Hien 2 , Trinh Thu Ha 1 , Tran Dang Thuan 1 , Nguyen Thi Nga 3 , Nguyen Thi Kim Tuyet 4
1 Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2 Institute of Chemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
3 Hanoi Medical College
4 Phu Tho Medical College
* Corresponding Author79-85 -
Study on structural characterization of hexamolybdocobaltate(III) pyridine-3-carboxylic acid (H3O)3[СoMО6O18(OH)6].(С6H5NO2)2.5Н2О 319 views
Nguyen Van Bang 1 * , Le Thanh Bac 1 , Nguyen Thi Phuong 1
1 Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
* Corresponding Author86-91 -
Environmental risk assessment of high-density white leg shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) farming in Tra Vinh province 270 views
Nguyen Phu Bao 1 , Tran Ai Quoc 1 , Vo Thai Tai 2 , Pham Hong Nhat 3 , Tran Tuan Viet 1 *
1 Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection
2 Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
3 Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry
* Corresponding Author92-99 -
A research to produce the pyrotechnic compositions with a burning rate of 0.5 ÷ 0.8 mm/s 255 views
Ly Hung 1 , Tran Quang Phat 1 , Pham Van Tu 1 , Bui Dinh Phong 1 , Nguyen Huyen Nga 1 , Tran Dinh Tuan 1 *
1 Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
* Corresponding Author100-104 -
Study on effects of technological factors on fabrication and modification of Zn plating 238 views
Mai Van Phuoc 1 * , Phan Thi Dinh 1 , Pham Thi Phuong 1 , Vu Minh Thanh 1
1 Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
* Corresponding Author105-111 -
Microstructure, mechanical properties and abrasive wear behaviour of plasma sprayed NiCrBSi coating 215 views
Ngo Thanh Binh 1 * , Vu Van Huy 2 , Doan Thanh Van 2 , Luong Thanh Tuu 3 , Nguyen Ngoc Quy 4
1 Thanh
2 Chi nhánh Phía Nam – Trung tâm Nhiệt đới Việt-Nga
3 Trường Sĩ quan Kỹ thuật Quân sự – Tổng cục Kỹ thuật
4 Trường Sĩ quan Kỹ thuật Quân sự – Tổng cục Kỹ thuật.
* Corresponding Author112-121 -
Synthesis and characterization of in-situ MoS2-graphene hybrid nanostructured material 289 views
Bui Thi Hoa 1 * , Nguyen Duc Lam 2 , Bui Xuan Khuyen 2 , Bui Son Tung 2 , Man Hoai Nam 1 , Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh 2 , Do Chi Linh 2 , Duong Thi Huong 3 , Pham Thi San 2
1 Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2 Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
3 Faculty of Fundamental Science, Military Science Academy
* Corresponding Author122-127 -
Synthesis of magneto-plasmonic hybrid material for cancer hyperthermia 317 views
Dinh Quang Thanh 1 , Dinh Van Tuan 2 , Nguyen Hoai Nam 3 , Nguyen Tien Anh 4 , Nguyen Truong Xuan 3 , Nguyen Luong Lam 1 , Dinh Thi Mai Thanh 1 , Pham Hong Nam 3 , Nguyen Van Quynh 5 *
1 University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnam Academy Science and Technology.
2 Electric Power University
3 Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
4 Le Quy Don Technical University
5 University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
* Corresponding Author128-137 -
How to generate Muong speech directly from Vietnamese text: Cross-lingual speech synthesis for close language pair 380 views
Pham Van Dong 1 * , Do Thi Ngoc Diep 2 , Mac Dang Khoa 3 , Nguyen Viet Son 2 , Nguyen Van Thinh 3 , Nguyen Tien Thanh 4 , Tran Do Dat 5
1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
2 Hanoi University of Science and Technology
3 VinBigdata – VinGroup
4 Viettel CyberSpace Center
5 Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam
* Corresponding Author138-147 -
Proposed method of protection of fixed length samples through using Paillier cryptosystem 226 views
Nguyen Thi Hong Ha 1 , Truong Phi Ho 2 * , Dang Duc Thinh 3 , Le Manh Hung 1 , Pham Duy Trung 1
1 Academy of Cryptography Techniques
2 Khoa CNTT-TCM, Trường Đại học Thông tin liên lạc
3 Khoa Toán-Tin, Học viện Quân y
* Corresponding Author148-155
News & Views
Retro-reflective effect analytical modeling 236 views
Le Van Hoang 1 * , Pham Thanh Quang 1
1 Institute of Technical Physics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
* Corresponding Author164-167 -
Research and design to integrate thermal imaging objective onto viewfinder PMK-453 279 views
Pham Son Lam 1 * , Hoang Anh Tu 1 , Nguyen Van Thu 1 , Le Van Hai 2
1 Institute of Technical Physics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
2 Bộ Tư lệnh TP.HCM/Quân khu 7
* Corresponding Author168-172