Assessment research on optimizing the effectiveness of magnetic stealth for prolate spheroidal hulls with uniaxial degaussing coils
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Magnetic Signature; Magnetic Anomaly; Degaussing Coil; Optimization Algorithm; Sqp Algorithm.Abstract
When operating for a long time at sea, military ships face many dangers due to variations in the magnetic fields around the ship, making the ship capable of being "visible" by the enemy's magnetic anomaly detection devices, even detonating magnetic-inductive mines and mines at the bottom of the sea. Therefore, the need to silencing magnetic anomalies for military ships is the most important requirement. This research presents a demagnetization solution using uniaxial demagnetizing coils to optimize magnetic field degausing for a prolate spheroidal hull at positions below the hull bottom. The authors used mathematical models of the hull and coils to establish the cost function of the problem, concurrent used the SQP optimization algorithm to minimize this cost function with the variable being the degausing current supplied to each coil. The research obtained magnetic anomaly reduction levels for a prolate spheroidal hull, corresponding to 4 scenarios for different number of coils, results contribute to narrowing the feasible solution space and quickly approaching the optimal solutions of the problem with real military ships.
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