The influence of some factors on the characteristics of metallized incendiary mixtures



  • Le Viet Ha Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Nguyen Mau Vuong Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Nguyen Xuan Thanh General Department of Military Industries and Manufacture
  • Nguyen Duy Tuan (Corresponding Author) Le Quy Don Technical University



Pyrogel; Polyisobutylene; Magnesium; Aluminum-magnesium alloy; The heat of combustion; Adhesion.


In this article, the influence of some factors on the characteristics of metallized incendiary mixtures (pyrogels) was studied. The pyrogel-type contains benzene, polyisobutylene, magnesium, aluminum-magnesium alloy, sodium nitrate, and different additives. It is shown that the molecular weight of polyisobutylene, the amount of aluminum-magnesium alloy, the particle size of metal combustibles, and the amount and type of polyester threads have different effects on the heat of combustion, flash point, burning rate, flame height, and adhesion to the material surface. The optimal pyrogel contains 38-40% thickened benzene - PIB with molecular weight 175000-225000, 25-27% aluminum-magnesium alloy with particle size ≤ 160µm, 10-12% magnesium powder with particle size ≤ 180µm, 15% sodium nitrate, 8% phenol-formaldehyde resin and 1.5% (over 100%) 3D polyester threads.


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How to Cite

Le Viet Ha, Nguyen Mau Vuong, Nguyen Xuan Thanh, and Nguyen Duy Tuan, “The influence of some factors on the characteristics of metallized incendiary mixtures”, JMST, vol. 85, pp. 73–81, Feb. 2023.



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