Assessment of removal of the odor compounds from livestock (H2S, NH3) of some microbial strains isolated from Truong Sa islands



  • Bui Thi Thu Ha Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Ha Trung Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thi Tam Thu Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Le Huy Hoang Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thu Hoai Joint Vietnam - Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Center
  • Pham Kien Cuong (Corresponding Author) Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Heterotrophic bacteria; Oxidizing ammonia; Oxidizing sulfide.


In this study, 4 strains with the activity of sulfide oxidation and 6 strains with the activity of ammonia oxidation were isolated from samples of soil, and livestock wastewater on Truong Sa Islands. The strains that removed the volatile odorous compounds (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide) were cultivated on either thiosulfate agar supplemented yeast, glucose or Vinograxki media added with glucose, and citrate mineral. The results showed that the strains (AOBN4, SOBS9) have the ability to reduce pH in the culture medium to pH 4 - pH 5, are resistant to NaCl concentration of 30 g/l, are heat resistant at 40oC, which are suitable for the conditions on the Truong Sa islands. On the other hand, AOBN4 has an ammonia removal efficiency of 73% and SOBS9 has the ability to convert thiosulfate to sulfate ion up to 5,9 mg/ml. These results indicate that the isolated strains have effective deodorization (NH3, H2S) and the potential to be applied to the production of microbial preparations for livestock waste treatment in islands.


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How to Cite

Bùi Thị Thu Hà, Nguyễn Hà Trung, Nguyễn Thị Tâm Thư, Lê Huy Hoàng, Nguyễn Thu Hoài, and Phạm Kiên Cường, “Assessment of removal of the odor compounds from livestock (H2S, NH3) of some microbial strains isolated from Truong Sa islands”, JMST, vol. 86, no. 86, pp. 79–85, Apr. 2023.



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