Quality evaluation of synthesized modafinil used as pharmaceutical material



  • Nguyen Minh Tri (Corresponding Author) Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Ngoc Toan Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • To Phuong Linh Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Kim Lien Pharmacy Department, Viet Duc Hospial
  • Phung Khac Nam Ho Institute of Chemistry and Material/Academy of Military Science and Technology




Modafinil; Smart drug; Bunte salt; USP.


Modafinil is a drug used in the treatment of narcolepsy, approved by the FDA in 1998. In previous studies, modafinil was easily synthesized through three stages, in the Bunte salt medium, the overall yield of 74,56 %. The quality of the modafinil was evaluated following USP 41. The results have shown that the synthesized modafinil satisfied quality requirements in pharmacopoeia.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Minh Tri, Toán, Linh, Lien, and Hồ, “Quality evaluation of synthesized modafinil used as pharmaceutical material”, JMST, no. 77, pp. 98–103, Feb. 2022.



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