Developing a method to generate an adaptive real-time camouflage pattern based on electro-chromic active devices



  • Nguyen Thanh Lam Institute of Technical Physics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Anh Tuan Institute of Technical Physics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Manh Thang (Corresponding Author) Academy of Military Science and Technology



Camouflage patterns; Adaptive camouflage; CSI; UIQI.


Traditional camouflage faces limitations in modern combat, especially with moving targets or rapidly changing backgrounds. Adaptive camouflage, which adjusts colors and patterns in real time, provides a more flexible and effective solution. This paper presents a comprehensive study of popular adaptive camouflage principles worldwide and proposes a camouflage model for the visible light spectrum based on active electro-chromic principles. Evaluation results indicate that adaptive patterns achieve the lowest Camouflage Similarity Index (CSI) and the highest Universal Image Quality Index (UIQI) across various backgrounds, demonstrating the clear effectiveness of the proposed model. With 3 to 5 dominant colors, pattern generation time is under 1 second, and adaptive patterns exhibit the highest similarity to the background compared to fixed patterns.


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How to Cite

T. L. Nguyễn, A. T. Nguyen, and Nguyen Manh Thang, “Developing a method to generate an adaptive real-time camouflage pattern based on electro-chromic active devices ”, JMST, vol. 99, no. 99, pp. 78–88, Nov. 2024.



Physics & Materials Science