Research on formulating ingredients and evaluating the conversion process of 2-chloroethyl phenylsulfide of green decontamination based on tungsten



  • Vu Thanh Binh (Corresponding Author) Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Do Ngoc Khue Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Khanh Hung Chemical Corps
  • Dao Duy Hung Chemical Corps



2-CEPS; Green decontamination; Tungsten; Triton X-100.


This paper presents the results of research on formulating ingredients and evaluating the detoxification efficiency of 2-chloroethyl phenylsulfide (2-CEPS is a simulant of the military poison yperit) of green decontamination based on tungsten. Each main component of green decontamination was investigated and their roles in the detoxification process were determined, including catalyst (K2WO4), oxidant (H2O2) and buffer (C6H5K3O7 và K2CO3). From the research results, a detergent formula has been proposed that has a 2-CEPS conversion efficiency of over 99% after 15 minutes (TĐX-2). At the same time, a number of products were identified, thereby suggesting the mechanism of 2-CEPS conversion process within 30 minutes of the reaction.


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How to Cite

T. B. Vũ, Đỗ Ngọc Khuê, Nguyễn Khánh Hưng, and Đào Duy Hưng, “Research on formulating ingredients and evaluating the conversion process of 2-chloroethyl phenylsulfide of green decontamination based on tungsten”, JMST, vol. 94, no. 94, pp. 109–116, Apr. 2024.



Chemistry, Biology & Environment