Proposing an optimal control system specifically focused on the black tea fermentation process
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Black tea; Optimization; Temperature; Humidity; Color; Decentralized.Abstract
Currently, black tea maintains a significant position in the global beverage market and brings numerous health and cultural benefits. Therefore, quality control of black tea is a matter of concern. In this article, we proposes an optimal control system focused on the black tea fermentation process, based on adjusting temperature and humidity parameters at each stage affecting the quality of black tea. The color change process of tea over time when influenced by temperature and humidity is identified through image analysis at the moment of sudden color change. Regulating humidity and temperature from the humidification system needs to be controlled by electromagnetic valves. The author models the interaction relationship between electromagnetic valves based on graph theory, and an optimal algorithm for steam flow through electromagnetic valves. The proposed results include a theorem and an algorithm, which have been mathematically proven and simulated to ensure control requirements for the quality assurance of black tea.
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