Terminal sliding mode control for longitudinal stabilization of fixed-wing UAV






Sliding mode control; Terminal sliding mode control; Non-singular TSM; UAV.


Terminal sliding mode control is one of the modern control methods and has wide application in practice. In order to apply this method in UAV control, this paper presents an algorithms of applying non-singular terminal sliding mode control for longitudinal stability of fixed-wing UAV. Sliding modes occur on both the sliding surface and its derivative, the convergence time of the sliding variables is also calculated explicitly to ensure that the method can be applied to synthesize controllers in systems that require fixed stabilization time. The process of synthesizing control laws is strictly mathematically guaranteed. The simulation in Matlab shows the research results visually.


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How to Cite

V. Nguyen, “Terminal sliding mode control for longitudinal stabilization of fixed-wing UAV”, JMST, vol. 89, no. 89, pp. 35–42, Aug. 2023.



Research Articles