Research on rubber matrix composite material for the application of fabrication details rubber working in hard conditions



  • Vo Hoang Phuong (Corresponding Author) Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thi Huong Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Van Dong Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Rubber matrix composites; Grade CS 3012(2).VN; Hydrogenated butadiene nitrile rubber.


Rubber matrix composites material of grade CS 3012(2).VN is researched and manufactured based on hydrogenated butadiene nitrile rubber (HNBR), graphite and other additives. Research results have shown that this material has characteristic physical and mechanical properties, especially its ability to withstand wear in harsh working conditions. On the basis of the obtained results, the submarine's piston seal of pneumo-hydraulic accumulator has been processed to meet the set technical requirements, contributing to improving the initiative in the research and manufacture of technical materials used in the maintenance and repair of new technical equipment of the army.


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How to Cite

P. Võ Hoàng, H. Nguyen Thi, and Đồng Nguyễn Văn, “Research on rubber matrix composite material for the application of fabrication details rubber working in hard conditions”, JMST, vol. 92, no. 92, pp. 55–62, Dec. 2023.



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