Transverse slotted waveguide antenna with sinusoidal amplitude distribution



  • Le Doan Trinh (Corresponding Author) Viện thiết kế tàu quân sự, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
  • Tran Thi Nhung Nam Dinh University of Technology Education



Electronic radio; High frequency equipment; Waveguide antenna with transverse-slot.


 In this paper, a transverse slotted waveguide antenna with sinusoidal amplitude distribution is investigated, when the main lobe is located perpendicular to the waveguide, while ensuring the reflectivity of the antenna. The waveguide antenna is made in the form of a rectangular box with an ideal dielectric inside (ε=2.25). On the long side of the rectangular box, there are pairs of transverse slots distributed along the waveguide. In the article, the lengths of slots, the distance between two transverse slots and the length of the period of each pair of transverse slots are synthesized by the finite element method. The calculation results show that at a frequency of f = 10 Ghz, when the main lobe is located perpendicular to the waveguide, it is possible to synthesize the amplitude distribution of the antenna in a sinusoidal form with the largest sidelobe value = -16.6 dB. The frequency sweep angle of the antenna after summing = 350, when the frequency changes from 9 Ghz to 10.5 Ghz.


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How to Cite

Lê Doãn Trinh, and Trần Thị Nhung. “Transverse Slotted Waveguide Antenna With Sinusoidal Amplitude Distribution”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. FEE, Dec. 2022, pp. 90-95, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.FEE.2022.90-95.



Research Articles
