Assessment of the effect of hydraulic retention time on the efficiency of waste treatment by co-digestion combined anaerobic membrane bioreactor through different reactor types



  • Bui Hong Ha (Corresponding Author) Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thanh Tri Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thi Xuan Hong Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Phuoc Dan Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
  • Nguyen Huynh Duc Nha Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University



Anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR); Anaerobic co-digestion; Organic solid waste; Domestic wastewater; Biogas production.


This study evaluates the influence of hydraulic retention time on the efficiency of domestic waste treatment by co-digestion technology combined with anaerobic membrane bioreactor through different types of reactors: continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR-AnMBR) and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB-AnMBR). In the operating conditions of 2 models with average pH values ​​from 6.8 to 7.4, the temperature is in the Mesophilic range, and the mixing ratio of domestic wastewater and organic solid waste is 5g/L. Change the water retention time parameters including 72 hours, 48 ​​hours, 36 hours, and 24 hours, corresponding to organic loads: 0.67 kgCOD/, 1.00 kgCOD/, 1.33 kgCOD/ and 2.00 kgCOD/ The results show that the COD treatment capacity at HRTs for the UASB-AnMBR model has a higher efficiency of 0.4% - 5.4%. In addition, the biogas production rate at the HRTs for the UASB-AnMBR model was higher than that of the CSTR-AnMBR model from 0.02 to 0.03 Lbiogas/gCODremoval. The corresponding methane generation rate is in the range of 0.01 - 0.02 Lbiogas/gCODremoval. The membrane transfer pressure value recorded in the experiment shows that the operating cycle of the membrane for the UASB tank is longer than 3.5 times than CSTR tank.


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How to Cite

H. H. Bui, T. T. Nguyen, X. H. Nguyen Thi, P. D. Nguyen, and Đức N. Nguyen Huynh, “Assessment of the effect of hydraulic retention time on the efficiency of waste treatment by co-digestion combined anaerobic membrane bioreactor through different reactor types”, JMST, no. VITTEP, pp. 159–166, Dec. 2022.



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