Optimization of Cd (II) adsorption by diatomite using the response surface method
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Environment; Diatomite; Metal adsorption; Optimization.Abstract
Environmental protection is a high concern because the emission of human waste is increasing which causes irreparable effects on the environment and human health. The wastewaters contain heavy metal ions such as Cd (II) that have a significant impact because of their high toxicity and long-term accumulation in the body. At present, the use of Diatomite is one of the preferred options due to its ability to effectively remove heavy metals and low-cost adsorbent. This study was to optimize the adsorption of Cd (II) ion from the aqueous solution using Diatomite by the Response Surface Method via DesignExpert software with adsorption parameters including pH, absorption time, and adsorbent dosage. The experiments and optimization calculations showed that the adsorption efficiency of Cd reached 99% at a pH value of 3.8, contact time of 1.85 hours, and adsorbent dosage of 0.22 g/mL.
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