Research of the strains of the specialized tube when calculating the simultaneous effects of dynamic pressure and non-stop thermal loads



  • Lai Thanh Tuan (Corresponding Author) Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Uong Sy Quyen Le Quy Don Technical University



Stress; Deformation; Temperature; Internal ballistic; Thick-walled tube.


The article presents a computational model and solves the problem of analyzing the stress state of the specialized tubes when calculating the simultaneous effects of dynamic pressure and non-stop thermal loads. This model of the tube is suitable for surveying the operation of the cannon barrels when firing in automatic firing mode. The results of the internal ballistics task and the heat transfer problem in the tube wall are input parameters for the computational model. The survey is based on the finite element method and is performed by Ansys Workbench software. The survey results obtained are the stresses and strains of specialized tubes when considering static pressure, dynamic pressure, non-stop temperature load and simultaneous pressure and temperature load. This is the basis for evaluating the influence of pressure and temperature factors on the durability of specialized pipes, especially when evaluating the muzzle of the cannon and making recommendations in the process of calculation, design and use of weapons in practice.


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How to Cite

T. Lai Thanh and Q. Uong Sy, “Research of the strains of the specialized tube when calculating the simultaneous effects of dynamic pressure and non-stop thermal loads ”, JMST, vol. 85, pp. 126–133, Feb. 2023.



Research Articles