Research for selection of soil washing solvent and technology for remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil in chemical incident response



  • Dang Thi Uyen (Corresponding Author) Viện Hoá học Môi trường quân sự
  • Nguyen Thi Huong Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Dau Xuan Hoai Viện Hoá học Môi trường quân sự
  • Nguyen Hoang Dung Viện Hoá học Môi trường quân sự



Soil washing; Heavy metal; Solvents; Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium.


This study presents the efficiency of treatment of heavy metal in contaminated soil by 04 solvents. The results show that EDTA.2Na 0.2% solvent in water is the most suitable choice for the treatment of heavy metal by soil washing. The efficiency of treatment Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn reached over 90%, Cr reached over 70%, and As over 60%. The results also indicated that the solvents play an important role in eliminating heavy metals by soil washing techniques.


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How to Cite

Uyên, Hương, Hoài, and Dũng, “Research for selection of soil washing solvent and technology for remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil in chemical incident response”, JMST, no. 77, pp. 67–72, Feb. 2022.



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