The law of increasing pressure of the wave interaction process in some mixtures liquid containing vapour bubbles



  • Nguyen Van Tuan (Corresponding Author) Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Thai Nguyen University of Technology
  • Le Xuan Long Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Thai Nguyen University of Technology



Crude oil; Liquid nitrogen; Vapour bubbles; Short wave; Wave interaction; Phase; Pressure; Mixture.


The phenomenon of increasing pressure of the wave interaction process has a great influence on the transportation of oil in the energy industry, in hydraulic transmission systems of automobiles and specialized machinery. This paper presents the phenomenon of pressure increase due to the interaction between short waves in the mixture in the crude oil-containing vapour bubbles and in the liquid nitrogen-containing vapour bubbles. The wave interaction process is described by the system of hydro-thermodynamic equations. The numerical method is applied to calculate, study, and analyze the influence of the volume concentration of the vapour phase in the mixture on the pressure increase of the wave interaction process. From the obtained results on the dependence of the mixture pressure on the volume concentration of the vapour phase at the time of wave interaction, the pressure increase law of the short waves interaction process in some mixtures liquid containing vapour bubbles as above will be determined.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Văn Tuấn and Lê Xuân Long, “The law of increasing pressure of the wave interaction process in some mixtures liquid containing vapour bubbles”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 198–204, Dec. 2024.



Mechanics & Mechanical engineering