A study on developing a computational model for determining operating parameters of a dual-flow solid rocket engine



  • Mai Duy Phuong Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Bui Dinh Tan (Corresponding Author) Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Duong Quoc Viet Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology




Engine; Launch principle; Launch system; Aerodynamic.


The aerodynamic launch principle operates with a complex mechanism, combining both artillery-like principles and solid-fuel engine concepts. Calculating and determining the working parameters of the launch motor is a crucial step in designing launch systems, especially when researching, developing, and manufacturing new systems. This is a mandatory requirement to ensure the functionality and reliability of the equipment. This paper focuses on developing a physical model to calculate the operating parameters of a dual-flow solid rocket engine over time, based on a set of hypothetical system parameters. The computational model presented in this paper, along with the resulting calculations, supports the investigation and design of systems while serving as a theoretical foundation for further, more comprehensive research. It also provides a basis for applications in research projects, improvements, upgrades, and the design and manufacturing of similar launch devices.


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How to Cite

P. Mai Duy, Bùi Đình Tân, and Duong Quoc Viet, “A study on developing a computational model for determining operating parameters of a dual-flow solid rocket engine”, JMST, vol. 101, no. 101, pp. 140–147, Feb. 2025.



Mechanics & Mechanical engineering