Developing an internal ballistic model for the torpedo launchers with three working cavities



  • Hoang Van Hung (Corresponding Author) Military Technical Academy
  • Pham The Phiet Military Technical Academy
  • Dam Quang Sang Military Technical Academy
  • Nguyen Duc Long Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Nguyen Van Hung Military Technical Academy



Torpedo; Internal ballistics; Combustion chamber; Launcher.


The paper presents the scientific basis for developing an internal ballistic model for the torpedo launching system with three working cavities. Based on this model, characteristics of the launch process, such as the pressure variation in each compartment and the torpedo's velocity over time, have been determined. Specifically, Compartment 1 has the highest pressure of 114 kg/cm², Compartment 2 has 43 kg/cm², and Compartment 3 has 19,5 kg/cm². The torpedo’s velocity upon exiting the launch tube is 37,20 m/s. This model can also be used to calculate the propellant charge for torpedoes according to specific operational and technical requirements.


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How to Cite

Hoàng Văn Hùng, Phạm Thế Phiệt, Đàm Quang Sang, Nguyễn Đức Long, and Nguyễn Văn Hùng. “Developing an Internal Ballistic Model for the Torpedo Launchers With Three Working Cavities”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. IPE, Oct. 2024, pp. 212-9, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.IPE.2024.212-219.



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