Research on physicochemical durability based and the effect of Al/Mg ratio on the infrared emission characteristics of the Al/Mg/PTFE/PAC/HD-70 composition
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The IR decoy composition; Al/Mg mixture; Infrared radiation intensity.Abstract
Physicochemical stability and infrared emission are important characteristics of infrared-emitting pyrotechnics. This study focuses on evaluating the mechanical strength of pyrotechnic systems when using binders: nitrocellulose (NC), shellac, viton, poly acrylate (PAC) plasticized with HD-70 energy plasticizer system (HD-70 is a mixture of triethylene glycol dinitrate (TEDGN) and diethylene glycol dinitrate (DEDGN) energy plasticizers in a ratio of 70/30) and the effect of the Al/Mg ratio on infrared emission. The research results show that the PAC/HD-70 binder system has good chemical compatibility with the Al/Mg/PTFE base system. At the same time, the binder bars using the PAC/HD-70 binder system have significantly higher compressive strength than when using other binder/HD-70 systems. In addition, as the Al content in the Al/Mg mixture increased, the infrared radiation intensity in both radiation bands from (1,65 ÷ 2,55) µm and (3,6 ÷ 5,3) µm increased accordingly. It is noteworthy that the increase in radiation intensity in the α region (3,6 ÷ 5,3) µm is insignificant compared to the β region (1,65 ÷ 2,55) µm.
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