Hybrid method to solve the problem of scattering electromagnetic waves on an ideal body



  • Luu Duc Tho (Corresponding Author) Institute of Radar, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Luong Van Trinh Institute of Radar, Academy of Military Science and Technology




Radar Cross Section; Hybrid method; Green's function.


The paper deals with the problem of electromagnetic wave scattering on an ideal conductive circular cylinder, bounded by two half-spheres, in the case of H polarization. To solve this problem, a Hybrid method has been used that combines the eigenfunction method, successive diffraction and the reciprocal principle. Compare the results of calculation of RCS (Radar Cross Section) value by Hybrid method, integral equation method, Huygens-Fresnel-Kirchhoff method.


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How to Cite

Lưu Đức Thọ and Lương Văn Trình, “Hybrid method to solve the problem of scattering electromagnetic waves on an ideal body”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 127–133, Dec. 2023.



Research Articles