Solutions to increase the probability of the accuracy of UAV recognition target based on artificial intelligence



  • Nguyen Van Tra (Corresponding Author) Institute of Radar, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Chi Thanh Institute of Radar, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Doan Van Sang Faculty of Information - Radar, Naval Academy



UAV; Residual; Loss function; Radar target recognition; Deep learning.


In this article, we propose to build a neural network model with a combined Residual-Inception structure (named RINet) and use the weighted Focal Loss loss during training to perform radar target classification based on the RAD-DAR dataset. The RINet model incorporating the proposed loss function has an average target classification accuracy of 98.72%, in which the probability of correctly identifying the UAV is up to 99.81%.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Văn Trà, Vũ Chí Thanh, and Đoàn Văn Sáng, “Solutions to increase the probability of the accuracy of UAV recognition target based on artificial intelligence”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 105–110, Dec. 2023.



Research Articles