Application of intelligent adaptive tracking control to iterative learning and uncertainty compensation for industrial robot motion systems



  • Vo Thu Ha (Corresponding Author) Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Thai Nguyen University of Technology
  • Than Thi Thuong Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Thai Nguyen University of Technology
  • Bui Huy Hai Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Thai Nguyen University of Technology
  • Vo Quang Vinh Faculty of Control and Automation, Electric Power University



Iterative learning control; 2-degree-of-freedom robot; Adaptive control through precise linearized control.


A robot motion system always depends on mathematical model parameters that are uncertain or not precisely known and are unavoidably affected by external disturbances. There have been many methods of adaptive control, sustainable control, sliding control, etc., to handle this case. However, those control methods are all based on the uncertain robot mathematical model. At this point, estimating those parameters at least or assuming the parameters are constant and uncertain is necessary. The article presents a control method for moving robots to follow precise orbits without relying entirely on the model, which is a D-type intelligent iterative adaptive controller combined with accurate linearization control. Simulation results for a 2-degree-of-freedom manipulator show that the position error of the final impact joint quickly approaches zero and is accurate.


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How to Cite

Võ Thu Hà, Thân Thị Thương, Bùi Huy Hải, and Võ Quang Vinh, “Application of intelligent adaptive tracking control to iterative learning and uncertainty compensation for industrial robot motion systems”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 78–83, Dec. 2023.



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