Structures of phenolic compounds isolated from Eupatorium adenophorum



  • To Phuong Linh Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Ngoc Toan Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Dong Ngoc Phuc Faculty of Chemistry, VNU University of Science
  • Tran Xuan Truc Faculty of Chemistry, VNU University of Science
  • Vu Minh Trang VNU University of Education
  • Tran Thi Thu Thuy Institute of Natural Products Chemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Phan Minh Giang (Corresponding Author) Faculty of Chemistry, VNU University of Science



Eupatorium adenophorum; Thymol; Phenolic acid; Flavonol; Glucoside.


 Nowadays, phytochemical profiles of plants are the basis for the evaluation of their biological activities and ecological impact on environment and other living species. Chromatographic separation and NMR structural analysis were used in this paper to study the occurrence of six phenolic compounds in water fraction from the leaves of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. Structures of the compounds were identified as 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, methyl 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate, isovanillic acid, 5-O-glucopyranosylthymoquinol, 2-O-b-D-glucopyranosylcinnamic acid, and quercetagetin 7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside.


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How to Cite

L. Tô, “Structures of phenolic compounds isolated from Eupatorium adenophorum”, JMST, vol. 85, pp. 59–64, Feb. 2023.



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