Establishment of a technical process for manufacturing Bacillus subtilis microbial products with the addition of quercetin and inulin
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Bacillus subtilis; Probiotic; Quercetin; Fiber.Abstract
Currently, the addition of biologically active compounds from plants, especially quercetin and fiber, to the preparation of probiotics has been gaining extensively attention. Scientists are developing methods to improve the survival of probiotics and activitiy of bioactive plant-based matrices in probiotics during dry and storage. Among them, lyophilization helped maintain high survival and stable probiotic. The aim of this study was to produce a dual therapy probiotic product from Bacillus subtilis with both probiotic and plant-based bioactive properties from quercetin and fiber. The results established the composition that contains 105 ± 5 mg/g fiber, 50 ± 5 mg/g quercetin, maltose/ Bacillus subtilis spores = 5:1 (w:w), microbial density reached 6.8 x 107 cfu/g.
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