Image restoration for microscopy with wavefront coding technique by Winner filter



  • Le Van Nhu (Corresponding Author) Military Technical Academy
  • Le Dinh Chinh Ha Dong General Hospital
  • Le Hoang Oanh Hoa Binh University
  • Vu Ngoc Ha Ha Dong General Hospital
  • Nguyen Thi Huong Trang Ha Dong General Hospital
  • Ha Thi Yen Hoa Binh University



Wavefront coding; Blurred image recovery; Microscopy.


Wavefront coding is a powerful technique to extend the depth of field in incoherent imaging systems. However, the quality of images captured by the camera is low, so digital processing is used to restore sharp images. In this paper, we present digital processing for wavefront coding technique in optical microscopy by Winner filter. The experimental model is built. The experimental images are shown. The restored images of the wavefront coding technique are near to the diffraction-limited image of traditional microscopy.


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How to Cite

V. N. Le, Lê Đình Chính, Lê Hoàng Oanh, Vũ Ngọc Hà, Nguyễn Thị Hương Trang, and Hà Thị Yến, “Image restoration for microscopy with wavefront coding technique by Winner filter”, JMST, vol. 85, pp. 95–102, Feb. 2023.



Research Articles