186 viewsKeywords:
Nano TiO2; UV protection; Suncream; Jellyfish protectionAbstract
Sun protection and jellyfish protection materials was prepared with nanomaterials such as TiO2, SiO2, materials of natural origin and chemicals used in the cosmetic industry. The criteria of dripping, sea water resistance, UV resistance,... have been investigated to select the optimal single preparation. The manufactured product has a large dropping temperature (greater than 70 oC) which is able to create a water-resistant film on the skin, which is highly durable in the water environment. Sunscreen wax with nano TiO2 content greater than 10% has SPF coefficient > 30, has a high level of UV protection and remains protective 6 hours after immersion in seawater. The product is completely non-irritating on the skin and has the ability to prevent 75% of the potential release of jellyfish.
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