An application of recurrent fuzzy neural networks in wind turbine pitch angle control



  • Nguyen Thi Xuan Nhi Vinh Long Vocational College
  • Nguyen Chi Ngon (Corresponding Author) Can Tho University
  • Nguyen Nhut Tien Can Tho University
  • Tran Thanh Luan Vinh Long University of Technology Education



MATLAB simulation; Pitch angel control; Recurrent fuzzy neural network; Wind turbine; Supervisory control.


Nowadays, renewable energy has been developing strongly, including wind energy. However, the use of this energy source is still dependent on natural conditions because the wind intensity changes continuously, making the power generated from the turbine is unstable. That has a huge impact on the electrical system. This paper presents a solution to control and monitor the pitch angle of the wind turbine to generate the rated power aiming to maintain the grid voltage at a stable level. A supervisory controller using recurrent neural fuzzy networks is proposed and tested on MATLAB/Simulink, under the condition of changing wind speeds.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Thị Xuân Nhi, C. N. Nguyen, Nguyễn Nhựt Tiến, and Trần Thành Luân. “An Application of Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks in Wind Turbine Pitch Angle Control”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. 80, June 2022, pp. 3-12, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.80.2022.3-12.



Research Articles