Application of SMC-PID algorithm for anti-roll control for human-carrying robot
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Human carry robots; Anti-roll control; PID-Sliding controlAbstract
The paper presents the application of the PID sliding control algorithm in anti-roll control for robots transporting people up and down stairs. Robots transporting people moving on complex terrain need to be analyzed and controlled to prevent rolling during the movement to ensure the robot's operation is effective and brings safety to the user. When the robot moves, the anti-roll control process is performed by controlling the position of the human transport mechanism with a linear actuator, which is an electric cylinder. The sliding control algorithm with the PID sliding surface is applied to control the response of the linear electric cylinder according to the change in the slope of the stairs to ensure the robot's anti-roll process by shifting the user's center of gravity. The simulation results of the application of the sliding mode controller to anti-roll control for robots are performed on Matlab Simulink software. The position of the anti-roll mechanism changes linearly according to the slope of the stairs, thereby showing the effectiveness of the controller for the anti-roll control process for robots. Simulation shows the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, which helps the design and manufacturing process of human-carrying robots become more efficient.
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