A hybrid automata and SysML-based model for controllers of autonomous surface vehicles
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Autonomous underwater vehicles/autonomous surface vehicles (AUVs/ASVs); AUV/ASV control; Hybrid automata; Systems modeling language (SysML); Object-oriented technology; Model transformation.Abstract
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles/Autonomous Surface Vehicles (AUVs/ASVs) are increasingly being used in research, monitor and exploitation of marine resources. In particular, the design of control system for AUVs/ASVs is very important because it is closely connected to the hydrodynamic model of operating vehicles in the complex water environment. This paper presents a hybrid object-oriented control model, which is based on the specializations of hybrid automata and Systems Modeling Language (SysML), in order to systematically analyze, design and implement controllers of autonomous unmanned surface vehicles (ASVs). Based on this proposed hybrid model, a horizontal planar course-tracking controller of an ASV model was implemented and tested with good reliability.
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