The lateral dynamics control of autonomous vehicles using the sliding mode controller combined with an extended state observer
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Autonomous vehicles; Lateral dynamics; State observer; Constant Rate Reaching Law.Abstract
The article presents the ability to control the lateral dynamics of autonomous vehicles under the influence of model parameter variations and environmental effects using Sliding Mode Control (SMC) combined with Extended State Observer (ESO). The dynamic model of the vehicle is constructed considering uncertain disturbances and external environmental influences. Furthermore, by employing model order reduction, both the fast and slow dynamics of the object are delineated. Based on this, the control strategy consists of two parts: firstly, controlling the lateral position of the object, and secondly, steering angle control based on the deviation of the rotational state angle. This study introduces an ESO observation unit coupled with SMC, employing the Constant Rate Reaching Law to observe noise values, ensuring sustainability, and reducing Chattering phenomena. Lyapunov and Hurwitz stability criteria are applied to demonstrate the local and global stability of the control system when integrated with the observer. Finally, the Matlab/Simulink software is utilized for simulation and verification, demonstrating the sustainability, effectiveness, and feasibility of the proposed system.
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