A solution for constructing quantum – resistant digital signature schemes

A solution for constructing quantum – resistant digital signature schemes


  • Luu Hong Dung Military Technical Academy
  • Nguyen Kim Tuan Duy Tan University
  • Nong Phuong Trang Military Technical Academy
  • Pham Van Quoc VNU University of Science




Digital signature; Digital signature scheme; Discrete logarithm problem; New hard problem; Post-quantum digital signature scheme; Quantum – resistant digital signature scheme.


In this article, the authors propose a solution for constructing quantum - resistant digital signature schemes based on a new type of hard problem, which belongs to the group of unsolvable problems. Therefore, the algorithms constructed according to the solution proposed here can be resistant to quantum attacks based on the quantum algorithm proposed by P. Shor. In addition to quantum resistance, the signature schemes proposed here can also be used as pre-quantum digital signature schemes (RSA, DSA, etc.) that are widely used in current practical applications.


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How to Cite

Lưu Hồng Dũng, Nguyen Kim Tuan, Nong Phuong Trang, and Pham Van Quoc, “A solution for constructing quantum – resistant digital signature schemes”, JMST’s CSCE, no. CSCE8, pp. 108–118, Dec. 2024.


